----------------------------- New ZombIe MoD 6.0 -----------------------------
Server Name: #NeW#[Dz#]-[ Hell ZoNe ]~Zombie Plague~# | RcT=On#FasTD
ServeR IP:
HummaN: NeW ModeL
Calss ZombIE:
class: classic zombie NeW ModeL
class: BomeR Zombie NeW ModeL
class: ZombIe LiKe Human New ModeL
class: HunteR Zombie NeW ModeL
Vip: THe BesT ExtRa IteaM
HummaN: THe BesT ExtRa IteaM
ZomBiE: THe BesT ExtRa IteaM
VIP: 8 PlayeR
AdMiN: 10 PlayeR